Monday, March 3, 2008

How is your CA?

Tell us how is your CA? Share your experience with everyone.


Anonymous said...

My ca is very very bad!!!!!!!!!!cos math dont know how to do

Anonymous said...

These are papers that are almost impossible to score 80s. Even all my subjects get a 70 mark streak... (Maths 72, Science 75, English 70, Chinese 70) The maths problems are really crazy. I wonder who made this maths paper. At least I get alot of Band 2s.

Eze Ho Ee Jie (5P)

jeremy said...

it is just ok it is hard

welcome to my blog said...

ca paper is very hard!* *

Anonymous said...

i forgot my CA marks already.....
but only "jiayi" got the highest!!for booklet A and B...i will tell you when i remember...okay???
The paper is toooo hard for me....
i don't understnd all the question cause some of the question teacher haven't teach us!!!:( sad!!

Anonymous said...

uh... quite ok lah... actually all the papers are quite easy 1, just dat i too nervous liao so get quite bad marks

pokemonguy2 said...

Mine still Ok lah.
A couple of Band 1.

Nigel Lim said...

It's ok, but I got many careless mistakes...

Anonymous said...

cao diffcult like dying la so dificult how to do???

Anonymous said...

CA easy what. MAth I got 85/90, Science I got 92/100, English I got 82.5/100. How come hard meh?